Sunday, May 3, 2009

April Showers!

So, the weather in April was a little gloomy, but we really needed to rain, so it was good! I got to spend some more time in doors with my two cousins. I also had two firsts! I went to the beach and played in the water for the first time and I went swimming in our swimming pool! I got my two top teeth in, so now I have four total. Walking is getting really easy, in fact, I love to run!

I'm not sure about this whole "going in the water" thing... cant I just look at it?

What part of not wanting to get in confused you?

Mom thinks she can coax me, but she's wrong. Its cold, I'm not stupid.

OK, If I go in for a second, will you guys give it up all ready?

OK, I did it... I'm done now!

Now this is what I call fun!

I can spell my name! (ok, it was mom, don't tell anyone!)

I'm a boy, so that means I have to eat rocks!

My mom doesn't like dad playing video games around me because she thinks I will copy him, but thats crazy!

I just love this pic..

First time in a pool! (much warmer than the beach!)

Mom wanted a nice picture of all three cousins, but Annie was being clingy..

Then she pulled Abby's hair!

But, by the end, Annie was playing referee between Asher and Abby!


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